Parques Nacionales y Áreas Protegidas en Costa Rica:
La flora y fauna silvestre son patrimonio de todos los costarricenses, por eso se han emprendido programas que ayuden a salvaguardar estos recursos por medio del Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación, el cual ha emprendido diferentes acciones tendientes a aumentar las posibilidades de conservación..(
En Costa Rica, sin necesidad de recorrer largas distancias, el turista puede disfrutar la majestuosidad de los volcanes, las playas del Pacífico y del Caribe, los bosques tropicales secos, húmedos y lluviosos y los más exuberantes paisajes de las selvas..(
National Parks and Protected Areas in Costa Rica:Costa Rica, with only 0.03 % of world’s surface, shelters more than 90.000 known species, which represent almost 5% of worldwide biodiversity, it is still within the top 20 richest countries in biodiversity on Earth in terms of species density. Twenty-six percent of the country’s land territory is protected by a system of conservation areas..( Costa Rica extends majestically from the Pacific Ocean to the Caribbean Sea, and its distance is barely 200 miles. Its land portion occupies only 20 thousand square miles. If you travel throughout the provinces of Costa Rica, it’s easy to notice that in no other place you shall find fields with so many variations in their landscape and climate as here..( Costa Rica is one of most highly valued tourist destinations in this planet. This small piece of land includes all of the necessary components to satisfy the taste of thousands of travelers visiting each year..( |
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